7.347 Curry Rice


17 (Sat) December 2016

Curry Rice


by me

at home

-One Serendra, BGC-

with W and the Boyz

Just three days away from flying off to Korea for the winter holiday, I’ve managed to clear the fridge of all vegetables, everything put into the curry.

10 thoughts on “7.347 Curry Rice

      1. “to korea for the winter holidays”. back to giving you guilt for ditching me.

  1. oh that. that wasn’t my fault. W gave me grief about flying business class, so the discussions unravelled. didn’t help that you supported her position. so you have yourself partly to blame. thanks for reminding me.

    on the bright side, she’s likely never to resist should the opportunity rise again. to wit, i’ve raised an eyebrow at the last two weeks of july….thoughts?

  2. hmmm. it will be hot in late july but if you’re here we will make things happen. also i will be in seoul mid-september if you have reason to be there.

  3. funny when people who live in LA talk about weather extremes, as if you know what “hot” really means.

    more I think of it, july may not be a good idea, as I’ll be finalizing prep for a major meeting in mid August. ….

    in the alternative, i don’t have plans for korea in sept, but maybe we could do something there/then…

  4. why is it funny that i think it’s hot in LA in late july? i would know better than you – i spent the vast majority of the last 24 julies in LA.

    1. it’s funny because LA averages 22C/71F, high of 27C/81F in july, with about 70% humidity, compared to manila’s 28C/82F average, high of 31C/88F, 80% humidity, so don’t talk to me about being hot.

      even funnier, one gets acclimated to the heat, so that when the temperature drops to 25-27C here in December-January, it actually feels cold — seriously.

    1. you know, i don’t anybody has EVER commented on my dishware, even though it’s clearly one of my favorite parts of cooking at home.

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