3.077 Kimchi Wang Mandu


22 (Thu) March 2012

Kimchi Wang Mandu


from Gamegol

at my parents’ home

-Geumgok, Bundang, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea-


Essentially the same thing as the regular wang mandu, which are perfect, but with a slight kick from the kimchi that doesn’t overwhelm, so they’re perfect plus.  The best in Korea.

This box was sitting on the table.  I ate 5 mandu.

On my way home from work, I dropped by my parents’ place to see L (see 3.066 Linguine in Meatball Mash Sauce) – my cousin and her family are staying there until the end of the month (more on that later).


(See also FOODS)

(See also PLACES)

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