5.362 Nakji Bokkeum


2 (Fri) January 2015

A Typical Korean At-Home Meal


at Seolmaene

-Sinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, Republic of Korea-

with W

Winter Holiday with the Family: Day 10 of 11

For our first extended family time since I left home to work overseas, we’ll be spending the winter holiday together.  Starting with Christmas in the Philippines, ending with the New Year in Korea. Having everyone around, just hanging out, makes it feels like home, wherever it may be.

Tangpyeongchae (3.0)

While Seolmaene is still one of my favorite restaurants in the city, one of my favorite restaurants of all time, I confess that I’m getting a bit tired of the limited menu.  Or maybe I’m getting spoiled by the insanely diverse menus in Manila.

In any case, the meal didn’t quite satisfy as before.  The nakji bokkeum had a nice charred flavor on the octopus itself, but the rest of the dish was blah – perhaps the most disappointing dish that I’ve ever experienced here.  Everyone else also seemed less than thrilled.



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