6.288 Ddeok-Miyeok Guk


20 (Tue) October 2015

Ddeok-Miyeok Guk


by me

in my apartment

-Malate, Manila-


As both ddeok guk and miyeok guk are made with beef bone stock — at least, the way that I make them — I was inspired to combine the two, even though I’ve never seen nor heard of such a combination.

Worked like a charm.


13 thoughts on “6.288 Ddeok-Miyeok Guk

    1. wanted to make ddeok guk, but didn’t have any veg or egg or gim or anything; problem with miyeok guk though was that i’d need to make rice; that’s when i decided to mix them. totally works as a stand-alone meal.

      1. It is a year later, but I just wanted to say that this dish further inspired me when I was making some non-spicy doenjang jjigae for my kids and decided to throw in some ddeok… supreme success! I made it with pork belly, spinch and Italian squash (three things my kids would NEVER eat willingly in any other situation) and I think the rice cake fooled them into eating the entire thing. BRILLIANT! Thanks for thinking of this.

      2. that may be the most gratifying comment in the history of GMTD [drop mic]. maybe i should shut it down now?

        personally, i would never have thought to add ddeok to doenjang jjigae, but now that you mention it why not??

        btw, and certainly not to criticize your parenting method, but i’ve always tried to teach my kids that veg is good in its own right, not to trick them into eating them. worked on DJ, who loves broccoli, bok choy, etc., but IZ remains a challenge (our boys take after each parent in certain respects completely, for example DJ has my body structure but his mom’s face, while IZ is the opposite; DJ is an adventurous eater like me, and he’s amenable to suggestion like his mom, so I can get him to try anything, at least once, and he likes most of what he tries; IZ is a picky like his mom, and stubborn like me, so he’ll only eat what he eats).

  1. RIGHT??!! Why NOT? Why not throw it into everything!? Stir fry, chicken noodle soup, etc.
    Love that *mic drop* – all you have to say now is “GMTD OUT” and then you can totally shut it down. no kidding, don’t stop the blog 🙂 It’s still entertaining!

    I swear my worries over my kids’ eating habits make me want to tear my f-ing hair out! My kids’ appetites are 100% opposite. A eats fish, soup, rice, poultry, almost all Korean foods and no milk, ZERO four-legged creature meat. C eats meat, meat, meat, milk milk milk and hates fish, soup and poultry and the only Korean food she will abide is ghimbap. Every dinner pretty much only one of them will eat and be satisfied and the other goes hungry and I end up feeding them cheese and crackers or something equally sad. In a Venn diagram overlap sector between the two there’s only noodles, plain butter pasta, sweet potatoes, carrots and ddeokguk. So the entire key here is the ddeok, which is enough to tempt the non-soup eater and which will “fool” the soup-eater into eating the additional vegetables.

    I should rephrase that I could never “trick” them into eating vegetables, but I CAN “lure” them.

    So sad, when they were littles they ate every vegetable I gave them but those days are over. So sad, so stressful. Damn those stubborn pint-sized dictator cherubs!

    1. just had coffee today with HS and his family (a friend from high school), whose daughter is weighs 13 kg (about average for 2.5-yr) at age 4.5, whereas IZ weighs 24 kg (about average for 8-yr). she’s soooooo light, especially compared to IZ. apparently, she just doesn’t like to eat, and it completely stresses them out.

      for me, obviously because our boys are big as is, I frankly don’t care if they miss a meal. the latest rule is if anyone lifts an asscheek from his chair during the meal, except for an excused reason (e.g., to get more water), then the meal is over for him — this is to discourage shenanigans, though i suspect they sometimes do it just so they don’t have to finish. that’s another thing, while i do hope that they’ll like what’s on the table, if they don’t like it, then they’ll just have to wait for the next meal, good luck.

      my father likes to say (this works better in Korean) : there may be children who starve in the absence of food, but no children starve in the presence of food… which means that kids will eat if they’re hungry enough, no need to worry about force-feeding them. like my MIL, she insists on feeding them in front of the TV, because she says that she can shove more food into them while they’re preoccupied watching their programs.

      have you ever tried just starving them out, and seeing if either will give in?

      1. I HAVE tried the starving technique (“if you don’t eat what’s in front of you, you don’t eat anything”). Never again. I won’t go into what ensued but there was yelling, tears, overall misery, vomit and a godawful sleepless night. I just can’t go through that again.

      2. just had a discussion with other parents, either with girls only or girl+boy, and they all agree without hesitation that girls just won’t tolerate tough love, the way boys can. one of the stories ended with the girl constantly waking up in the middle of the night and screaming about how her parents hate her, so they were like, “even if it means spoiling her, we’re not going through that again.”

        i also mentioned that a shoehorn is an effective tool in getting my boys to sleep, and they looked at me in horror.

  2. TOTALLY AGREE. I find that young girls (toddlers and kindergarten age) have these crazy emotions and sensitive feelings coupled with intense determination and you can’t “punish” anything out of them. Blah. It’s tiring.

    1. DC, i’m told you and i are in for quite the shock when the girls reach puberty – they really go crazy apparently. scared already.

      1. I’ve heard this as well. there’s always going to be wine and whiskey in our house, then.

  3. which just proves then that boys/men are ultimately more reasonable and understand the notion of consequences, while girls/women are irrational creatures who will just do whatever they want.

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