2.339 Abalone & Scallops


9 (Sat) December 2011

Abalone & Scallops


at Daegabang

-Sinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, Republic of Korea-

with W and DJ, Mom and Dad

So long as I have an expense account balance to burn by year’s end, I may as well share the wealth.  Accordingly, I invited my parents to partake in the fleecing of academia.  We ordered the most expensive item on the menu, this utterly uninventive dish priced on the basis of two overvalued ingredients.  60,000 won.  In a prior post, I swore that I would never again pay the exorbitant prices for certain local Chinese dishes (see 2.053 Oryong Haesam), an oath that W reminded me of at the table, but the power of a discretionary fund was too intoxicating to resist.  Of course, I could choose to spend the same money over several cheaper meals.

While Daegabang is one of the best restaurants in the city to experience Koreanized-Chinese, they still have a ways to go for Chinese Chinese.

(See also FOODS)

(See also PLACES)

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