11.185 Spaghetti & Allemansrätten Meatballs


8 (Wed) July 2020

Spaghetti & Allemansrätten Meatballs


by me

at home

-Changgok, Sujeong, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea-

with the Family

On our recent visit to IKEA (see 11.169 Swedish Meatballs), I had purchased a bag of frozen meatballs.

Allemansrätten is a Swedish term referring to the general right to roam, the legal right to access private properties for exercise.  According to IKEA, the right also encompasses a fine meal of meatballs.
I was very disappointed to discover upon returning home and inspecting the label that the meat is largely sourced from Australia, which goes against the first principle of my oath on Milestones in Meat Moderation (see 10.347 Steak), though doesn’t strictly violate the principle as I wasn’t aware of the Australian sourcing at the time of purchase.

Not yet ready to make anything traditionally Swedish with the meatballs (sorry Gustaf!), I used them in a simple Italian-American application.  I’d wager that Swedes use the meatballs in a similar fashion on occasion.

(For more details about the food(s), see WHAT)

(For more details about the venue(s), see WHERE IN KOREA)

8 thoughts on “11.185 Spaghetti & Allemansrätten Meatballs

  1. I would guess the most common way (for people who just want a quick and easy dinner) would be to cook the factory-made meatballs with some pasta (probably spagetti) and serve it with ketchup. That would at least be the tradtional “everyday’s kids meal” way of eating it. If you’re making them from scratch you would probably make some kind of cream-based sauce (similar to gravy).

    1. Hey Gustaf! Always great to hear from you! Thanks for the insights – ketchup sounds weird.

      Any thoughts on resuming our cooking exchanges?

      1. Aren’t Americans actually famous (infamous?) for putting ketchup on everything?

        My idea is for me to choose one (or more) dish(es) from the book you gave me (숨겨진 맛 – 북한전통음식) while you cook one or more dishes from the Swedish cookbook. If we run out of dishes we want to cook from each book we can then change to other books. What do you think?

        Btw, I made a pretty huge batch of kimchi a while ago (about 6-7 kg). I obviously still have a lot left. How long do you think it will take before the kimchi will be too sour to be inedible (I keep my fridge on +4 celsius)? I guess I will have to make a lot of kimchi stew, kimchi rice and similar dishes to use it up soon…

        I’ll send you some pics of the kimchi making to your e-mail 🙂

      2. Americans don’t put ketchup on everything, only fries, burgers, hotdogs, maybe eggs.

        Okay, I’ve selected a recipe from your cookbook. You send me pictures of whatever you make, along with the kimchi photos. Let’s do it!

      3. Yes! I’ll cook it this weekend and send you the pictures afterwards. Do you still use the gmail-adress we communicated through earlier? I have already sent you the kimchi photos, maybe they have ended up in the spam folder?

  2. In fact, partly inspired by our reconnection, partly enabled by the IKEAs here, which sells food products, I’ve stocked up on a bunch of Swedish ingredients that will keep me busy for awhile….

    1. I’m looking forward to seeing what you have bought! Also to see how the products IKEA sells looks like. As I recall, some Swedish expats got annoyed a couple of years ago when IKEA abroad stopped selling the most famous brands and instead now exclusively sells products with the IKEA brand. I’m not sure if they sell those products at the IKEA stores in Sweden (since I’m never seen the need to buy jam or frozen meatballs when I’ve been there).

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