4.052 Her Own Apple Pie

Cycle 4 – Item 52

26 (Tue) February 2013

Her Own Apple Pie


by DJ (and me)

at home

-Oksu, Seongdong, Seoul, Republic of Korea-

with W and DJ

Having been on the outs with W recently, I wasn’t in the mood to do anything for her birthday today, like preparing a birthday cake.  I didn’t even feel like using the leftover cupcakes from yesterday as a half-assed last-minute substitute.

DJ, on the other hand, was guilt-tripped into action by his mother, who began to sniffle late in the evening that it was turning out to be the worst birthday ever: ramyeon for dinner, no cake, blah blah, boo hoo.  He asked me to help him bake an apple pie from a recipe that he’d found in the cookbook Kids Can Cook! by Nicola Graimes.  I’d acquired the book many years ago in hopes of making stuff with him someday, filed it away on a low shelf, then totally forgot about it until now.  This being the first time ever that he’s shown an interest in cooking, motives regardless, I couldn’t refuse.

The pie turned out like crap: a win-win outcome.


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