7.338 Haemul Pa Jeon


8 (Thu) December 2016

Haemul Pa Jeon


at Kaya

(see most recently 7.332 Muk Sabal)


with W and the Boyz, K staff

Year-end dinner with K staff and family, same place, just a day off the same date last year (see 6.339 Bulgogi Salad).

My proudest accomplishment as a food enthusiast, home cook, and father is that I’ve gotten my boys to develop a love for veggies — here, IZ demonstrates his all-in-one-bite eating technique by skewering a slice of pork belly topped with cucumber, bean sprouts, and spinach — despite would-be countervailing influence from their mother, who openly disdains and discards the vegetables on her plate — all about upbringing, folks.

The jeon wasn’t a highlight, just the only dish (the first in the line up) that I bothered to photograph.

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