12.032 Kimchi Jjigae


6 (Sat) February 2021

Kimchi Jjigae


from Yetnal Daepa Saeng Gogi Kimchi Jjigae

at home

-Changgok, Sujeong, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea-

with the Family

Yetnal Daepa Saeng Gogi Kimchi Jjigae (옛날 대파 생고기 김치찌개) is a Korean restaurant.  As the overly descriptive name of the place would suggest, it specializes in kimchi jjigae, made with daepa (scallion) + saeng gogi (fresh meat); despite the “yetnal (old),” the restaurant is probably very new.

W ordered a pot of kimchi jjigae upon seeing the restaurant’s high rating on the delivery app.

The kimchi jjigae was excellent.  Perfectly aged kimchi + pork + tofu, all in huge gorgeous chunks.  Rich, luscious broth, just the right amount of spice and tang, so good that we used the leftovers to cook a second round of ramyeon + SPAM.


(See also FOODS.)

(See also PLACES.)

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